Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A Sad Day (and not so much)

This was a very sad day at The Big Corporation where I work. Our CEO, who had taken a leave of absence in November because of cancer, passed away last night. Suffering from what was only described to employees as "a virulent form of cancer," he had recently undergone radical surgery and was in the chemotherapy process. He was well enough in early December to attend the holiday party, and we got a report yesterday that he was working out three times a week and walking two miles a day -- pretty typical behavior for this Type A guy. A week ago, he started a foundation to raise money to research ways to cure cancer.

Then today, we learned that he had died of something called Sudden Death Syndrome, which apparently occurs when the body is so stressed by the chemo process that it just quits. Amazing! He was only 49, and led an extremely active life up to this point. He was also a genuinely good person, an innovator in the industry, and committed to helping other people.

Goodbye, Garry. You will be sorely missed.


In other news in the Pug household, the CEO of The Even Larger Corporation that employs the semi-spouse, was dramatically fired today -- if you can call it being fired when you leave with a $210 million severance package. After gutting everything good about TELC for several years, he has now spoiled their hopes of making a profit for several years, while his buyout continues. In my opinion, the payoff should have been made with their Kidnap and Ransom policy.

In stark contrast to the somber mode at TBC today, where grief counselors stalked the halls comforting tear-streaked employees mourning the passing of a truly good person, the employees at TELC were said to be dancing the proverbial jig, and singing choruses of "Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead." I'm sure he was oblivious on his way to the bank with his bags of ill-gotten gain. (I have a mental picture of Scrooge McDuck sitting in his vault among his bags of loot. Where are the Beagle Boys, lurking around to rob him when you need them?)

Goodbye, Bob, and good riddance.

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